Construction is well underway for Pappy’s Beach Estate, with the development entering a new contract with Vella Civil. Vella’s mobilised to the site in September 2021.
PentaCon Civil work to complete:
- Defect rectification (Soft spots) in SP1
- Demobilisation of heavy earthmoving equipment
- Finalisation of SP2 works
- Drainage Structures
- Mains water line
- Defect remediation
Vella Civil work to complete:
- Updated green stamped drawings for Civil Scope
- Form 15 for Retaining walls
- Council Prestart top begin Civil scope of works
- Approval to lower water level of lake to allow construction of embankment to final design on bioretention basin batter and all further works required to construct the batter to final design.
- ERSED controls
- Commence civil scope of works
- Installation of Sewer
- Installation of stormwater drainage
- FRP Retaining Wall footings and commence blockwork on perimeter retaining wall.
Leads are increasing on a weekly basis from Social Media & Google advertising that has resulted in a rise in sales. The marketing team has had a great response from the local paper with 1 Sale being lot 94 @ $350,000 so far and many more quality enquiries with inspections being organised. Mark Mahoney, Sales & Marketing Director of Pappy’s Beach Estate, has introduced the Local Real Estate Agents to the site and their feedback has been excellent from on-site inspections with clients. Editorials to also commence within the next 2 weeks. Radio and TV Advertising is being finalised and soon to go on air within the next month.